How You Can Help

Every year more than 600,000 persons go missing in the USA (see Helpful Links/Info).

EnlightenMineEyes Investigations provide services to families of the missing in the State of Florida.  Every month a family needing PI services for their missing loved one receives these services for a flat fee of $25, because of  donations received by good people who want to help.

You can help me continue to help families when they don’t need one more thing to worry about. Donations help pay for advertising flyers on social media and to purchase flyers for the families to post in their respective neighborhoods.  I also enlist corporate sponsors and add their names to flyers so they receive the recognition for their contribution to help find missing persons in this country.  Please patronize these business so they continue to help up.

Please make donations via the donate button or QR Code immediately below.  Donations for Missing Persons cases use this method (even if you are not the relative).  Contributions help keep the cost to missing families at $25.


Other case payments can be made using the SquareCash QR code below